Happy Adoption Story: Della (Blackie)
Blackie is a great addition to our home. We changed her name to Della - she doesn't seem to mind. She spent only a couple of days in our spare room by herself before it became obvious that she wanted to explore. She quickly explored in ever widening circles, returning to her safe space until she appeared to feel comfortable. Soon she was prancing through the house with her tail held high. Her only obstacle is her new brother. He still makes her nervous, although the hissing has subsided to almost nothing. She is catching on that her brother is no more threatening than a piece of furniture. He is a very passive Ragdoll. The closest thing to a behavior problem is that she seems to groom herself too much. She doesn't have visible skin problems. Feeding and litter box use are fine. Della seems happy here and we are happy with her. It seems obvious that we are not the first people who have been kind to her. Her description on your website was a big help in making such a good match. And the people who helped us were great - especially considering these difficult times. Thank you for all your help.