Contact Us

Tell us about why you're contacting Multnomah County Animal Services, and your question will be sent to the appropriate party.  If your question isn't related to any of the listed categories, select "General Questions" for your reason.  

For all emergencies, call (503) 988-7387 for our 24 hour dispatch service.

If you have received a letter from ACT Account Control Technology and wish to learn more, settle your account, or dispute the collection, please call ACT at 1-888-830-7770.  Learn more about collection notices.

Contact information
Select why you're contacting Multnomah County Animal Services.
Pet information
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By checking this box, I understand and agree that Multnomah County might include my image, name, or statements for the purpose of telling stories or informing the public about county programs. The county may use my image, name, or statements in any of the following ways: Photographs, videos, voice recordings, television, websites, social media, and e-mail newsletters. I discharge Multnomah County from any lawsuits or demands for damages arising from the use of my name, image, or statements, including any claim for libel or invasion of privacy. If I am under 18, my parent or legal guardian is submitting this form on my behalf and agrees to the terms of this submission.