Photo for 111232 [Freya]

Lost Report lr111232


Información de ubicación

Fecha de extravío: Martes, Abril 30, 2024
Ubicación: SE 143rd Ave & SE Stark St , Portland, OR 97233


Especie: Gato
Raza: Gato doméstico de pelaje corto
Sexo: Hembra
Tamaño: Mediano
Color: Gris
Pelaje: Corto, Liso
Color de los ojos: Verde
Tipo de cola: Completa
Modificado: No

She is about 9-10 months old,strictly indoor cat and while waiting for her appt to get spayed, she has gone into heat again. She had a litter of kittens in February (already pregnant when she was rescued) and still has one left at home who she still nurses and is crying constantly for her! She is my brothers ESA cat and we desperately need to find her! She got out around midnight on 4-30 and hasnt been home since. She isnt chipped yet either. When she escaped, she was wearing a pink collar with a bell on it which could have come off by now. Please reach out anytime of the day if seen!


(503) 933-5133 (Puede llamar o enviar un mensaje de texto.)

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