Photo for 111057 [Mia Bella]

Lost Report lr111057

Mia Bella

Información de ubicación

Fecha de extravío: Domingo, Abril 28, 2024
Ubicación: SW Tegart Ave , Gresham, OR 97080


Especie: Perro
Sexo: Hembra
Tamaño: Grande
Color: Negro, Beige
Pelaje: Largo, Grueso
Color de los ojos: Café
Tipo de oreja: Dobladas
Tipo de cola: Completa
Modificado: Sí

She was possibly attacked by another dog. She is generally a sweet girl but is possibly very scared. My sisters dog was attacked but we were able to find him and get him cleaned up. They were together before they got out due to the other 2 dogs attacking and breaking my fence. PLEASE CALL OR TEXT ME 503-875-1989


(503) 875-1989 (Puede llamar o enviar un mensaje de texto.)

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