Happy Adoption Story: Loki (Billie)

I renamed Billie to Loki. Loki is a wonderful baby. He loves to love on you and get lots of pets. At first, of course, he would only hide under the bed, but he has blossomed so much. We have had him 6 days now. He loves all the toys he gets to play with, especially the paper balls. Lol. Best of all, he likes to sleep with me under the covers. I love it! He turned out to be the perfect cat for me. I suffer from PTSD and having him helps with my depression by keeping me happy, and my anxiety with lots of playing and purrs. I had recently lost my last baby a few days before I got Loki. I had him for over 14 years and it was a really hard time for me. But finding my Loki made losing him a little easier on my emotions. My baby is at his permanent home. Thank you for taking such good care of him until I found him.


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Loki the cat